Monday, December 6, 2010

28 days and counting...

If someone would have came to me 3 or 4 years ago and told me I would be dropping all of my belongings in storage and moving overseas for an extended amount of time, I would have thought they were crazy!  After all, I had my life completely figured out by the age of 20, and that was simply no where in my plans. I knew exactly what I was doing with my life, where I was going, and who would be there with me along the way, and I definitely didn't want anyone to try and tell me otherwise.  Little did I know, the Lord had other plans for me as He soon let me know in 2008 & 2009, when every single aspect of my life took a complete 180 degree turn.  I refer to it as my years of discovery, as my life began to take a turn down a completely different path which has led me to where I am now.  
Exactly 28 days from today I will be leaving for Cairo, Egypt, where I will reside for about 6 months to continue pursuing my Arabic studies and work towards my future career goals.  This is something I considered for a long time and finally decided to commit to shortly after graduating college this past May.  My departure date is Monday, January 3rd... 4 more weeks!  
The purpose of this blog is to keep those interested updated on my progress, travels, and experiences once I get there.  I also hope to provide some cultural insight into the lives of Egyptians for curious minds or those considering embarking on an adventure there as well.  Let this be an avenue of new perspectives and provide a glance into other ways of life.  On a deeper level, I pray I will be able to create a bigger imagination for young adolescents who may be in the midst of finding their way in life.  Let it be clear that one should never settle... I want to offer support and encouragement for those who are still contemplating their dreams rather than running as fast as they can after them.  There is massive power in perseverance and determination to turn your dreams into reality, and if one can begin to look at a closed door as a window opening, and be open to new opportunities, I can guarantee your life will be enriched immensely, and you never know where the Lord will take you.  Who knows?  Maybe you will end up in Egypt with me... ;) 


  1. Your passion drives me mel. I admire it. We will both be overseas at the same time. Ill be in italy!

  2. WOW, Melanie. Thanks for sharing yourself in such a beautiful way. I will be so excited to follow your blog now and while you are in Egypt. I am so proud of you and for you!!!
